SPMRM | Ministry of Rural Development | GOI

Cluster-Wise State Brief Report Against State "LAKSHADWEEP " for January,2025

Sl. No. State Name Cluster Name District Name Physical Progress Financial Progress (₹ in Crore) CGF 1st Installment Released
(if central share release greater than 0, Yes else No)
CGF 2nd Installment Eligible
(18% of CGF Investment Approved)
CGF 2nd Installment Released
(if central share release greater than 30%, Yes else No)
CGF 3rd Installment Eligible
(36% of CGF Investment Approved)
CGF 3rd Installment Released
(if central share release greater than 60%, Yes else No)
Work Progress
Ministry Approved ICAP ICAP Approved In RurbanSoft Planning Notification SLEC Approved DPR DPR Approved In RurbanSoft Spatial Plan Convergence Investment Approved Convergence Expenditure Convergence % Expenditure CGF Investment Approved CGF Expenditure CGF % Expenditure CGF Central Share Released CGF State Share Released CGF Total Fund Released Total Investment Approved Total Expenditure Total % Expenditure Proposed
No. of Works
No. of Works
No. of Works
Report Updated
Total 1 1 1 1 1 0 79.81 16.89 21.16 30.00 0.85 2.84 9.00 0.00 9.00 109.81 17.74 16.16 1 5.40 0 10.80 0 81 7 13
Total 1 1 1 1 1 0 79.81 16.89 21.16 30.00 0.85 2.84 9.00 0.00 9.00 109.81 17.74 16.16 1 5.40 0 10.80 0 81 7 13
1 Lakshadweep Amini Lakshadweep District Yes Approved Notified Yes Approved Under Preparation 79.81 16.89 21.16 30.00 0.85 2.84 9.00 0.00 9.00 109.81 17.74 16.16 Yes 5.40 No 10.80 No 81 7 13 27-07-2022